Short Company profile

Supply Service SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1606
48 Vladayska Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 129006778
Capital (BGN): 1 088 756

Branch: Manufacture of other outerwear
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers
Registered Actitity: Production and trade, engineering and technological activities in production of uniforms, marketing and advertising activities, services, technical support, services, education and other trading activities in Bulgaria and abroad.


Tailoring companies boycott the Ministry of Defence. None of...
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02.06.2014: Orders worth BGN 5 million received from the Commissariat in...
07.08.2013: About 50 seamstresses of Supply Service - Kalofer have not been...
04.07.2011: Tailoring companies boycott the Ministry of Defence. None of...
14.08.2009: The former owner of seraglio of Dogan in Boyana - Akoma Ltd.,...
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20.02.2009: Rangers will wear "breathing" nylon. Bulgarian companies Mak...
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03.06.2004: The Government and IMF have agreed to limit to 5 per cent the...
15.04.2004: Employees of Intendantsko Obsluzhvane SP JSC at Ministry of...

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