Short Company profile

Levcorp Group JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1700
93B Simeonovsko road, entrance B, floor 3, office 5
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121337947
Capital (BGN): 55 492 900

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
General Meetings: Last - 20.05.2024  Next - 30.09.2024 
Registered Actitity: Acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of shares in Bulgarian and foreign companies, acquisition, management and sale of bonds, acquisition, evaluation and sale of patents, financing of companies.


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25.08.2023: The first changes in Alexey Petrov's business begin. A general...
24.02.2010: The headquarters of Lev Ins insurance company and its corporate...
07.10.2009: Lev Corporation JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting...
07.10.2009: Lev Corporation JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting...
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11.06.2004: Lev Intercorporation JSC Sofia has transferred 42 723 shares,...
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21.09.1999: At the General Meeting of Spartac Inter Holding JSC was taken a...
04.05.1999: The State Gazette" promulgated an increase of the capital of the...

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