Short Company profile



Sofia, 1618
6, Gorica St
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121657705
Capital (BGN): 8 539 384

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Prospectus Public company
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Securities investment, shares acquisition, enterprises management, participation in the privatization process


T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD presented a quarterly report for...
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16.07.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) At the regular AGM of TK-HOLD AD (TCH) held on...
12.07.2024: TK-Hold PLC (TCH) TK-Hold PLC acquired bonds, ISIN...
02.07.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) Due to lack of quorum, the regular AGM of...
31.05.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD presented a quarterly consolidated...
22.05.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD (TCH) regularly convenes the...
30.04.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD presented a quarterly report for...
29.04.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD publishes an Annual Consolidated...
28.03.2024: TK-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD publishes Annual financial report...
01.03.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD presented a quarterly consolidated...
30.01.2024: T-HOLD AD (TCH) TK-HOLD AD presented a quarterly report for...

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[2024: 730, ... ]