Short Company profile

Aviation Company Hemus Air SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1540
Airport Sofia, 1 Brussels Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831642142
Capital (BGN): 25 586 530

Branch: Scheduled air transport
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 11.07.2012 
Registered Actitity: Domestic and international air transportation, charter flights (passenger and cargo), air photography, sanitary activities, technical air control of air-navigation equipment.; commercial rights for use of 17 international airlines, out of which 5 are exploited at present.; forthcoming opening of several destination in Europe, Middle East and CIS countries;


Aviation Company Hemus Air SPJSC will purchase 63 thous sq.m....
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30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
02.10.2008: Aviation Company Hemus Air SPJSC will purchase 63 thous sq.m....
08.01.2008: The share of Chimimport's companies in the total capitalisation...
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13.08.2007: Germans plan to repair airplanes Boeing and Airbus aircraft in...
13.08.2007: Nearly EUR 20 million will be invested in the aviation base at...
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