Short Company profile

Dominion Grain Bulgaria JSC - Varna


Varna, 9000
k. k. Chajika 613, vh. 2
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831357606
Capital (BGN): 3 100 000

Branch: Wholesale of grain, seeds and animal feeds
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers Registered grain trader
General Meetings: Last - 25.03.2012 
Registered Actitity: Production and trade of food-staffs, production and sale of goods, shipping, warehouse activity, trade representation and agency, deal with intellectual property, hotel keeping, tourist services, leasing, production of films


At the General Meeting of "Dobrudzhanska Stokova i Zurnena...
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30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
07.10.2004: Commission for Protection of Competition imposed BGN 52 500...
12.05.1999: The owner of grain stores Stantech Mr. Filcho Kolev has damaged...
27.07.1998: At the General Meeting of "Dobrudzhanska Stokova i Zurnena...

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