Short Company profile

Bourgas Sugar Plant SPJSC - Bourgas


Bourgas, 8000
zh.k. Vazrazhdane, Patriarh Evtimiji 72, parteren
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130966800
Capital (BGN): 4 030 000

Branch: Manufacture of sugar
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 04.05.2015 
Registered Actitity: Domestic and foreign trade, production of sugar and sugar products, shipping and leasing deals and operations, trade representation and agency, engineering


The Bulgarian PM Sergei Stanishev brought down the price of...
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01.07.2024: The son of the businessman Grisha Ganchev - Danail, condemned...
17.02.2014: U.S. concern ASR Group wants to buy two Bulgarian sugar...
02.04.2013: A five-digit sanction for unfair trade practice was imposed to...
04.02.2013: The biggest player in the sugar business in Bulgaria-Litex...
30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
25.05.2006: A new fight between sugar plants is expected today when the...
20.04.2006: The projects of 19 companies were given the green light on...
24.03.2006: The Bulgarian PM Sergei Stanishev brought down the price of...
24.03.2006: The factory prices of the sugar will be decreased to BGN 1,31...
20.01.2006: Two contradicting orders of Bulgarian agriculture minister Nihat...

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This company profile is visited 1 551 times
[2024: 212, ... ]