Press Digest
Press digest - year 1999
Securities and Stock Exchanges Commission confirmed the prospectuses for public offering of securities of 5 joint-stock companies. "Energoimpex" JSC (Sofia) will offer for trade on "BSE - Sofia" JSC shares for BGL 105 million. The initial offer price per share will amount to USD 2927. The other four companies will issue new shares for increase in their capital. The fourth issue of "Riviera" JSC (Varna) will amount to BGL 510.947 million, allocated into 510.497 shares with value of BGL 1.000 each. "Rousse Holding" JSC's third issue includes 260.000 shares with value of BGL 1.000 per share. The second issue of "Garant Invest Holding" JSC (Kyustendil) includes 200.000 shares with value of BGL 1.540. The third issue of "Nash Dom - Bulgaria" JSC has 5 million shares with value of BGL 1637 each.
Source: Pari (21.01.1999)
Lovech-based enterprise "Melta" already has raw materials for its activity. The owner of the enterprise - "Nash Dom" JSC signed a contract for rental of municipal land for perennial plants - strawberries and raspberries. In the project of "Melta" will be made investments of DEM 300.000.
Source: Democracy (30.03.1999)
30 t strawberries and 20 t cherries will be bought up by Melta - 90 (Lovech), stated its Executive Director Mr. Tomi Tomev. Major shareholder of the company is the holding Nash Dom - Bulgaria JSC.
Source: Democracy (07.06.1999)
The canning factory Melta JSC - Lovech has purchased 200 000 sq. meters land for production of strawberry and raspberries as well as 400 000 sq. meters land for production of fruit-trees. The company's major shareholder is Nash Dom Bulgaria Holding JSC - Sofia. Melta JSC realizes its production in Israel, Germany and Russia. The factory has 252 permanent and 200 temporary workers.
Source: Democracy (25.08.1999)