Press Digest
Press digest - year 2023
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) At a meeting of the Management Board held on 30 December 2022, approved by the Supervisory Board of TB Texim Bank AD (TXIM), a decision was made to increase the capital of TB Texim Bank AD under Art. 195 and Art. 196 of the Commerce Act, Art. 113 (2), item 2 of the POSA, from BGN 27,995,036 to BGN 29,995,036, through the issuance of 2,000,000 new ordinary, registered, dematerialised voting shares having a nominal value of BGN 1.00 each, after conversion of 5,000 ordinary, dematerialised, registered, freely transferable, unsecured, interest-bearing, convertible corporate bonds with ISIN BG2100007207 (stock exchange code: 5CPA), of BGN 1,000 nominal value each. In connection with the above, a decision was adopted to change the company's Articles of Association.
Source: BSE (03.01.2023)
Teksim Bank will increase its capital by issuing 2 million new shares with a nominal value of BGN 1 each after converting 5,000 bonds with a nominal value of BGN 1,000 each. The capital increase was approved by the bank's board of directors on December 30, according to the announcement. The bank's capital is expected to be increased by BGN 2 million from BGN 27,995,036 million to BGN 29,995,036 million.
Source: (04.01.2023)
Commercial banks whose shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange did not pay dividends to their shareholders last year. These are First Investment Bank AD, Central Cooperative Bank AD and Teksim Bank AD. In February 2022, the Governing Council of the BNB adopted a decision to suspend the restriction on the distribution of banks' profits for 2019 and 2020. It concerned the distribution of profits in whole or in part, in the form of a dividend, share buyback or other similar payment. The measure was aimed at stabilizing the capital position of banks and the banking system.
Source: Banker (10.01.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - BSE code: 5CPA - ISIN: BG2100007207 - Date of interest payment: 24.01.2023 - Coupon rate: 2.2 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 18.01.2023 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 16.01.2023 (Ex Date: 17.01.2023).
Source: BSE (16.01.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE received a notification from CB Texim Bank AD of the executed interest payment on the bond issue of CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207.
Source: BSE (20.01.2023)
An amendment to the Articles of Association of "Teksim Bank" AD has been entered in the Commercial Register, the credit institution announced. The change is related to the increase of the bank's capital from BGN 27,995,036 to BGN 29,995,036. This was done by issuing a new 2,000,000 ordinary, registered, non-current shares with voting rights with a nominal value of BGN 1 each after converting 5,000 ordinary, non-current, registered, freely transferable, unsecured, interest-bearing, convertible corporate bonds with ISIN code BG2100007207 and with a nominal value of BGN 1,000 each. The capital is fully paid up. The capital of the credit institution is divided into 29,995,036 dematerialized shares each with a nominal value of BGN 1. "Teksim Bank" is a public company whose shares are traded on the "Bulgarian Stock Exchange". The last transactions with its papers took place on January 27, and their price was BGN 3.40 each, which the bank estimates at BGN 95,183,122 in market capitalization.
Source: Banker (31.01.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) With reference to a notification submitted by CB Texim Bank AD under Art. 19 (4) of Part III - Listing Rules, the amount of the admitted to trading on the Bonds Segment issue of bonds of CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA), ISIN BG2100019137, is amended as from 31 Jan 2023 as follows: - Amount of the issue: BGN 17,000,000 - Number of bonds: 17,000 - Nominal value per bond: BGN 1,000
Source: BSE (31.01.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE has received a quarterly report under Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 31 December 2022 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207.
Source: BSE (01.02.2023)
FSC enters in its registers share issue issued by "Teksim Bank" The Financial Supervision Commission today decided to enter in its registers the issue of shares issued by "Teksim Bank" JSC, reports the Financial Supervision Authority. The issue is in the amount of 2 million ordinary, registered, dematerialized, freely transferable shares with voting rights, with a nominal value of BGN 1 each. The issue is the result of an increase in the company's capital from BGN 27,995,036 to BGN 29,995,036.
Source: BTA (08.02.2023)
BSE has received an application for admission to trading of a subsequent issue of shares as follows: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - ISIN of the issue: BG1100001921 - BSE code of the issue: TXIM - Amount of the issue before the increase: BGN 27,995,036 - Amount of the increase: BGN 2,000,000 - Amount of the issue following the increase: BGN 29,995,036 - Number of shares following the increase: 29,995,036 - Nominal value per share: BGN 1.00 /one Bulgarian lev/
Source: BSE (09.02.2023)
The following decision has been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 07 of 09 February 2023: With reference to a Resolution of the FSC under No. 177-E of 07 February 2023 regarding the entry of a subsequent issue of shares of CB Texim Bank AD in the Register of Public Companies and Other Securities Issuers under Art. 30 (1), item 3 of the FSC Act, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Standard Equities Segment of the BSE Main Market on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) in conjunction with Art. 19 of Part III - Listing Rules a subsequent issue of shares as follows: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - ISIN of the issue: BG1100001921 - BSE code of the issue: TXIM - Amount of the issue before the increase: BGN 27,995,036 - Amount of the increase: BGN 2,000,000 - Amount of the issue following the increase: BGN 29,995,036 - Number of shares following the increase: 29,995,036 - Nominal value per share: BGN 1.00 /one Bulgarian lev/ - Type of shares: Common, registered, dematerialised and voting shares - Starting date of trading: 13 February 2023 (Monday)
Source: BSE (13.02.2023)
As a result of the capital increase of "Teksim Bank" AD from BGN 27,995,036 to BGN 29,995,036 through the issuance of 2,000,000 new ordinary, registered, dematerialized shares with the right to vote with a nominal value of BGN 1 each after conversion of 5,000 corporate bonds, there were changes in the shareholdings of some shareholders. After the change, the bank's capital is divided into 29,995,036 non-current shares each with a nominal value of BGN 1. And for the shareholders "Invest Capital" AD and "Intrade" AD, the number of votes in the general assembly of "Teksim Bank" falls below the threshold of 5 percent. "Teksim Bank" is a public company whose shares are traded on the "Bulgarian Stock Exchange". The last transactions with its papers took place on March 7, and their price was BGN 3.40 each, which the bank estimates at BGN 95,183,122 in market capitalization.
Source: Banker (09.03.2023)
The financial result of Teksim Bank AD at the end of 2022 is a net profit of BGN 505 thousand compared to BGN 260 thousand a year earlier. An annual growth of the balance sheet value of the bank's assets was reported by 11.19 percent, reaching BGN 596.86 million. The total net operating income amounts to BGN 18.92 million compared to BGN 16.57 million in 2021. Net interest income increased on an annual basis by 3.39 percent and reached BGN 10.49 million compared to BGN 10.15 million a year earlier. Net interest income is the main source of income for the bank and forms 55.44 percent of the bank's net operating income. The largest shareholders are "Web Finance Holding" AD with a share of 18.88%, "Sila Holding" AD - with 8.93%, and POK "Saglasie" AD - with 6.98 percent. "Invest Capital" owns 5.17% of the voting rights. The companies "Datamax" AD, "Datamax System Holding" AD and "Itrade" AD, in their capacity as related parties, jointly own 14.81% of the capital.
Source: Banker (10.04.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE has received a quarterly report under Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 31 March 2023 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207.
Source: BSE (03.05.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) CB Texim Bank AD appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on 28 June 2023 at 10:00 am in the city of Sofia at 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd., Headquarters, Hall 11, under the following agenda: - Individual and consolidated reports of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2022 - Adoption of the 2022 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Reports of the registered auditor on the 2022 audit - Report of the Audit Committee on 2022 - Report of the Investor Relations Director on 2022 - Report on the implementation of the remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2022 - Election of a registered auditor for 2023 - Election of an Audit Committee - Financial result allocation decision Draft resolution: Allocation of the 2022 entire profit to the Reserve Fund - Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Audit Committee - Adoption of the 2022 activity report of the Internal Audit Department - Adoption of an updated remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - Determination of the remuneration to the Head of the Internal Audit Department - In the lack of quorum, the GMS will be held on 12 July 2023 at 10:00 am, same place and agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 14 June 2023 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting rights, will be 12 June 2023 (Ex Date: 13 June 2023).
Source: BSE (29.05.2023)
The net profit of "Teksim Bank" JSC - Sofia for 2022 should be transferred to the "Reserve" fund. This is recorded in the invitation to convene a regular general meeting of its shareholders on June 28. The financial result of Teksim Bank JSC at the end of last year was a net profit of BGN 505 thousand compared to BGN 260 thousand a year earlier. The largest shareholders are "Web Finance Holding" JSC with a share of 18.88%, "Sila Holding" JSC - with 8.93%, and POK "Saglasie" JSC - with 6.98 percent. "Invest Capital" owns 5.17% of the voting rights. The companies "Datamax" JSC, "Datamax System Holding" JSC and "Itrade" JSC, in their capacity as related parties, jointly own 14.81% of the capital.
Source: (30.05.2023)
I LG AD (E8DC) BSE AD received a report under Art. 100g, para. 1 of the Civil Procedure Code as of 31.03.2023 by Teksim Bank AD, in the capacity of trustee of the bondholders under the issue of bonds with ISIN code BG2100001200, issued by ILG AD (E8DC).
Source: BSE (15.06.2023)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) At the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) held on 28.06.2023, the following decisions were taken: - Accepts the reports of the management bodies on the company's activities in 2022 (individual and consolidated); - Accepts the annual financial statements of the company for 2022 (individual and consolidated); - Accepts the reports of the registered auditor on the audit of the annual financial statements of the company for 2022; - Accepts the report of the Audit Committee for 2022; - Adopts the report of the Director of Investor Relations for 2022; - Accepts the report on Implementation of the policy for the remuneration of the members of the management bodies; - Releases the members of the governing bodies from responsibility for their activities in 2022; - Election of a registered auditor for 2023; - Election of the Audit Committee; - Decision on distribution of financial result. Transfers the profit for 2022 to the Reserve fund; - Determines the amount of remuneration for the members of the Audit Committee; - Determines the remuneration of the head of the Internal Audit Office; - Adopts an updated policy on the remuneration of the members of the governing bodies.
Source: BSE (03.07.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - BSE code: 5CPA - ISIN: BG2100007207 - Date of interest payment: 24.07.2023 - Coupon rate: 2.2 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 18.07.2023 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 14.07.2023 (Ex Date: 17.07.2023).
Source: BSE (14.07.2023)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) Nikola Kedev, in his capacity as a representative of the bondholders of the issue of bonds with ISIN code BG2100007207, issued by TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA), convenes a General Meeting of the bondholders of the issue on 08/07/2023 at 11:00 a.m. in Sofia, 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd., with the following agenda: - Termination of the mandate of the current representative of the bondholders of the issue. Proposal for a decision: Terminates the mandate and releases from obligations and responsibility Nikola Kedev, elected as the representative of the bondholders under the issue of bonds with ISIN: BG2100007207 at the first General Meeting of the bondholders, held on 14.08.2020. - Election of a new representative of the bondholders and determination of his remuneration. Proposal for a decision: Elects Vladimir Doichinov as the representative of the bondholders for the issue of bonds of Texim Bank AD with ISIN: BG2100007207 and decides that no remuneration is due to him. - Changing the bond conversion period. Proposal for a decision: Changes the conversion period for the issue of bonds of Texim Bank AD with ISIN: BG2100007207 under conditions described in the Invitation to Tender. - In the absence of a quorum, the meeting will be held on 21.08.2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the same place and with the same agenda. The right to vote in the general meeting is exercised by the persons registered in the central register of securities as bondholders, 5 /five/ days before the date of the general meeting.
Source: BSE (19.07.2023)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) The BSE received information from TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) about an interest payment made on the issue of bonds with ISIN code BG2100007207, issued by TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA), with a maturity date of 24.07.2023.
Source: BSE (19.07.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) The General Meeting of Bondholders of CB Texim Bank (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207, dated 07 August 2023, passed the following resolutions: - Mandate termination and release from obligations and liability of Nikola Kedev, elected as a representative of the holders of bonds of CB Texim Bank, ISIN BG2100007207, at the first General Meeting of Bondholders dated 14 August 2020 - Electing Vladimir Doychinov as a representative of the holders of bonds of CB Texim Bank, ISIN BG2100007207, and adopting a decision to not own remuneration to him - Changing the conversion period of the bond issue, ISIN BG2100007207, under the terms detailed in the GMB's record of proceedings
Source: BSE (09.08.2023)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) The BSE has received an information document under Art. 100b, para. 7 of the POSA of TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA).
Source: BSE (14.08.2023)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) At a meeting of the Management Board held on 09.08.2023, approved by the Supervisory Board of TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM), a decision was made to increase the capital of TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia in accordance with Art. 195 and Art. 196 of the Commercial Law, Art. 113, para. 2, item 2 of the Civil Procedure Code, from BGN 29,995,036 to BGN 33,595,036, through the issuance of 3,600,000 new ordinary, registered, dematerialized shares with voting rights with a nominal value of BGN 1 each, after conversion of 9,000 number of ordinary, non-cash, registered, freely transferable, unsecured, interest-bearing, convertible corporate bonds with ISIN code BG2100007207 stock exchange code 5CPA, nominal value BGN 1,000 each.
Source: BSE (14.08.2023)
The capital of "Texim Bank" JSC is increased by BGN 3,600,000 or from BGN 29,995,036 to BGN 33,595,036. The capital is increased by issuing 3,600,000 new ordinary, registered, non-voting shares with a nominal value of BGN 1 each. This will be done by converting 9,000 ordinary, non-cash, registered, freely transferable, unsecured, interest-bearing, convertible corporate bonds with ISIN: BG2100007207, and with a nominal value of BGN 1,000 each. "Texim Bank" is the oldest private bank currently operating in Bulgaria, founded in 1992 by more than 4,000 shareholders. It holds a universal license to carry out all types of banking transactions in the country and abroad and is a licensed investment intermediary. Texim Bank is a public company whose shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. At the moment, the quotation of its papers is BGN 3.40 per issue, which the bank estimates at BGN 101,983,122.
Source: Banker (18.08.2023)
"Teksim Bank" with new rules for converting its bonds The Board of Directors of Teksim Bank AD made a decision, approved by the Supervisory Board of the credit institution, to increase the company's capital by BGN 3,600,000 or from BGN 29,995,036 to BGN 33,595,036. In connection with this, Teksim Bank AD also published instructions regarding the conversion of convertible bonds with ISIN: BG2100007207 into ordinary shares with ISIN: BG1100001921, issued by the bank. "Teksim Bank" issued 22,000 ordinary, bearer, registered, interest-bearing, freely transferable, unsecured, convertible corporate bonds with a single nominal and issue value of BGN 1,000 with a total amount of BGN 22,000,000. The debt securities were issued in July 2020 and are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. In connection with the capital increase, the general meeting of bondholders made a change in the conversion period for the bond issue. The bank specified that as long as such debt securities are available, the issuer "Teksim Bank" takes the necessary actions to convert bonds within one week of receiving conversion notifications from bondholders. The other condition is that the total amount of all notifications submitted is not less than 5% of the current face value of the bond loan.
Source: Banker (22.08.2023)
The net operating income of the "Teksim Bank" Group increased for the half year23 In total, the net operating income from the activities of the "Teksim Bank" group in the first six months increased by 4.84% and amounted to BGN 10.46 million, according to the data from the interim consolidated financial report of the credit institution. The company reports an increase in net interest income on an annual basis by 46.55%, while net income from fees and commissions is 10.65% higher compared to June last year. The consolidated financial result of "Teksim Bank" for the six months of this year is a profit of BGN 1.36 million compared to BGN 1.36 million for the same period a year earlier. The banking group includes "Teksim Bank" (the parent bank) and three subsidiaries controlled by it. In the management company "Teksim Asset Management" EAD, the bank owns 100% of the capital. It has organized four mutual funds - "Texim Bulgaria", "Texim Conservative Fund", "Texim Balkans" and "Texim Commodities Strategies". The parent company is the sole owner of "Teksim Solution" EOOD and "Teksim Project Companies" EOOD. At the end of June, the assets of "Teksim Bank" grew by 0.36% compared to 2022 to BGN 599.37 million. This was the result of an increase in loans to non-bank customers and growth in receivables under securities repurchase agreements. The bank's portfolio of borrowers shows a 71% share of corporate clients and 29% for citizens and households.
Source: Banker (05.09.2023)
As a result of a new purchase of shares from the capital of "Teksim Bank" AD, the share of the former privatization fund "TK-Hold" AD - Sofia increased to 9.95 percent. At the same time, Universal Pension Fund "CCB-Sila" has reduced its shareholding in the bank. After the sale, his share falls below the five percent threshold from 5.08% to 4.53 percent. The largest shareholders in the bank's capital are "Web Finance Holding" AD with a share of 17.62% and "Sila Holding" AD - with 8.33 percent. "Invest Capital" owns 5.17% of the voting rights. The companies "Datamax" AD, "Datamax System Holding" AD and "Itrade" AD, in their capacity as related parties, jointly own 13.82% of the capital.
Source: Banker (18.09.2023)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) On the grounds of Art. 19 (4) in conjunction with Art. 19 (5) of Part III - Listing Rules to the BSE Rules and Regulations, the parameters of the issue of bonds of CB Texim Bank (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207, admitted to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market, shall be amended as of 21 September 2023 in terms of: - Amount of the issue of bonds: BGN 8,000,000 - Number of bonds issued: 8,000
Source: BSE (21.09.2023)
BSE has received an application for admission to trading of a subsequent issue of shares as follows: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD - ISIN of the issue: BG1100001921 - BSE code of the issue: TXIM - Amount of the issue before the increase: BGN 29,995,036 - Amount of the increase: BGN 3,600,000 - Amount of the issue following the increase: BGN 33,595,036 - Number of shares following the increase: 33,595,036 - Nominal value per share: BGN 1.00 /one Bulgarian lev/
Source: BSE (21.09.2023)
BSE Board of Directors adopted the following decision at a session held under Record of Proceedings No. 52 of 21 September 2023: Concerning a Resolution of the FSC under No. 871-E of 19 September 2023 regarding the entry of a subsequent issue of shares of CB Texim Bank in the Register of Public Companies and Other Securities Issuers under Art. 30 (1), item 3 of the FSC Act, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Standard Equities Segment of the BSE Main Market on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) in conjunction with Art. 19 of Part III - Listing Rules subsequent issue of shares as follows: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD - ISIN of the issue: BG1100001921 - BSE code of the issue: TXIM - Amount of the issue before the increase: BGN 29,995,036 - Amount of the increase: BGN 3,600,000 - Amount of the issue following the increase: BGN 33,595,036 - Number of shares following the increase: 33,595,036 - Type of shares: Common, registered, dematerialised and voting shares - Starting date of trading: 26 September 2023 (Tuesday)
Source: BSE (25.09.2023)
The bondholders of "Money Plus Management" AD - Sofia gave their consent for a change in the ownership of the company. It is about the purchase and sale of 100% of the shares of the public company Innovative Finance Holding AD - Sofia. The decision was taken by the general meeting of the holders of corporate debt securities from the issue with ISIN code BG2100014211, issued by Money Plus Management. It is supported by the holders of 10,000 debt securities of the company. The transaction will be carried out under conditions and sale price recorded in the purchase and sale agreement of the issuer's shares. The sole owner of the capital of "Innovative Finance Holding" is Stiliana Dobrilova Sotkova. "Teksim Bank" is the trustee of the bondholders under the issue of ordinary, non-cash, interest-bearing, registered and secured debt securities with ISIN code BG2100014211, issued by "Money Plus Management". The total number of bonds is 12,000 with a nominal value of BGN 1,000, each of which gives the right to one vote in the general meeting of bondholders. The largest number of bonds from this issue is owned by "Municipal Bank" AD - 3,000. "Money Plus Management" AD is a financial institution registered under Article 3a of the Law on Credit Institutions, which operates in the field of consumer lending to individuals. Its activity is related to granting loans with funds that have not been raised through public solicitation of deposits or other recoverable funds according to the Law on Credit Institutions. All products and services are offered under the Money+ brand. The company also has an online application platform that allows users to access it 24/7. The capital of Money Plus Management is BGN 14,322,110. The largest shareholder is "Finance Plus Management Holding" AD with a share of 99.82 percent, and the remaining shares are owned by Zdravko Vladimirov Ivanov. At the end of June, "Money Plus Management" reported a profit of BGN 42 thousand. The total amount of claims on granted credits amounts to BGN 70.41 million compared to BGN 71.65 million a year earlier.
Source: Banker (13.10.2023)
The Management Board of the BNB completed the procedure for converting the total of 5,850 bonds owned by TK-Hold AD from Teksim Bank AD into 2,340,000 shares of the capital of Teksim Bank. As a result, the former privatization fund now owns a total of 3,342,940 shares, which represents 9.95 percent of the credit institution's capital. The Management Board of the bank, with the approval of its Supervisory Board, from August 9 decided to increase the capital of "Teksim Bank" by issuing 3,600,000 new ordinary, registered, non-existent voting shares with a nominal value of BGN 1 each. This was done by converting 9,000 ordinary, dematerialized, registered, freely transferable, unsecured, interest-bearing, convertible corporate bonds with ISIN: BG2100007207, and with a nominal value of BGN 1,000 each.
Source: Banker (24.10.2023)
Net operating income grows and drives up the profit of "Teksim Bank" The financial result of Teksim Bank AD at the end of September was a net profit of BGN 1.97 million compared to BGN 751 thousand a year earlier. In total, the net operating income from the bank's activities increased to BGN 16.01 million. Net interest income grew on an annual basis by 49.92 percent, and net interest income increased by 9.78 percent. During the first half of the year, "Teksim Bank" did not charge or pay dividends to its shareholders. In August, the capital of Teksim Bank was increased by BGN 3,600,000 after converting bonds to BGN 33,595,036. The largest shareholders in the bank are "Web Finance Holding" AD with a share of 17.93%, "TK-Hold" AD - 9.95%, "Sila Holding" AD - with 8.84%, POK "Saglasie" AD - with 5.82%, UPF CCB-Sila with 4.53 percent. The companies "Datamax" AD, "Datamax System Holding" AD and "Itrade" AD, in their capacity as related parties, jointly own 12.34% of the capital. The shares of "Teksim Bank" are traded on the "Bulgarian Stock Exchange". Since May, their prices have been at the level of BGN 3.40 per piece. And this estimates the credit institution at BGN 114,223,122 market capitalization.
Source: (20.11.2023)