Press Digest
Press digest - year 2022
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - BSE code: 5CPA - ISIN: BG2100007207 - Date of interest payment: 24.01.2022 - Coupon rate: 2.2 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 18.01.2022 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 14.01.2022 (Ex Date: 17.01.2022).
Source: BSE (14.01.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE received a notification from CB Texim Bank AD of the executed interest payment on the bond issue of CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207.
Source: BSE (21.01.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE has received a quarterly report under Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 31 December 2021 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207. The report may be accessed via the website of the Exchange.
Source: BSE (28.01.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE has received a quarterly report under Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 31 March 2022 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207. The report may be accessed via the website of the Exchange.
Source: BSE (21.04.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) CB Texim Bank AD has appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on 27 June 2022 at 10:00 am in the city of Sofia at 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd., Headquarters, Hall 11, under the following agenda: - Individual and consolidated reports of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2021 - Adoption of the 2021 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Reports of the registered auditor on the 2021 audit - Report of the Audit Committee for 2021 - Report of the Investor Relations Director for 2021 - Report on the implementation of the remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2021 - Election of a registered auditors for 2022 - Election of an Audit Committee - Adoption of the 2021 activity report of the Internal Audit Department - Election of a head of the Internal Audit Department and determination of the respective remuneration - Financial result allocation decision. Draft resolution: Allocation of the 2021 entire profit to the Reserve Fund - In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will be held on 11 July 2022 at 10:00 a.m., at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 13 June 2022 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, will be 09 June 2022 (Ex Date: 10 June 2022). The entire notice is available on the website of the Exchange
Source: BSE (25.05.2022)
With regard to a request filed by CB Texim Bank AD, BSE withholds the rights of Vihren Georgiev Molevski granting him access to the BSE Trading System as of 09 June 2022.
Source: BSE (09.06.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) The regular General Meeting of Shareholders of CB Texim Bank AD dated 27 June 2022 has passed the following resolutions: - Adoption of the 2021 individual and consolidated activity reports of the managing bodies - Adoption of the 2021 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Adoption of the reports of the registered auditor on the verification of the 2021 individual and consolidated annual financial reports - Adoption of the report of the Audit Committee on 2021 - Adoption of the report of the Investor Relations Director on 2021 - Adoption of the report on the implementation of the remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2021 - Election of a registered auditor for 2022 - Election of an Audit Committee - Adoption of the 2021 activity report of the Internal Audit Department - Election of a head of the Internal Audit Department and determination of the respective remuneration - Allocation of the 2021 entire profit to the Reserve Fund The Record of Proceedings taken at the company's GMS is available on the website of the Exchange.
Source: BSE (29.06.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia - BSE code: 5CPA - ISIN: BG2100007207 - Date of interest payment: 24.07.2022 - Coupon rate: 2.2 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 19.07.2022 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 15.07.2022 (Ex Date: 18.07.2022).
Source: BSE (15.07.2022)
B Texim Bank JSC-Sofia (5CPA) The BSE has received information from TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) about an interest payment made on a bond issue with ISIN code BG2100007207, issued by TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA).
Source: BSE (20.07.2022)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) The BSE received information from TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) about an interest payment made on the issue of bonds with ISIN code BG2100007207, issued by TB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA).
Source: BSE (21.07.2022)
TB Texim Bank AD-Sophie (5CPA) BSE AD has received a report under Art. 100b, para. 8 of the Civil Procedure Code as of 30.06.2022, for compliance with the terms of a bond loan with ISIN code BG2100007207, issued by TB Texim Bank AD-Sophie (5CPA).
Source: BSE (28.07.2022)
The following decision has been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 53 of 18 August 2022: With reference to an application submitted by CB Texim Bank AD under Art. 36 (1) of Part II - Membership Rules of the BSE Rules and Regulations, the Board of Directors admits to trading on the Exchange new broker as follows: - Teodora Daskalova - Correspondence address: Sofia, 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd. - Telephone number: (+359 2) 903 56 23 - E-mail:
Source: BSE (19.08.2022)
"Teksim Bank" group doubled the profit for the half-year The total net operating cash receipts from the activities of the "Teksim Bank" group in the first six months increased by 15.19% and amounted to BGN 9.98 million, according to the interim consolidated financial report of the credit institution. The company reported a decrease in net interest income - by 2%, while net income from fees and commissions increased by 4.97 percent. The bank notes that its income and expenses for the half year reflect the general economic environment and the state of emergency introduced in the country due to the spread of covid-19. The pandemic has led to a change in social life and the way work is organized in many companies. The consolidated financial result of "Teksim Bank" for the six months of this year is a profit of BGN 1.36 million, almost doubling compared to the same period a year earlier. The banking group includes "Teksim Bank" /the parent bank/ and the three subsidiaries controlled by it. In the management company "Teksim Asset Management" EAD owns 100% of the capital. It has organized four mutual funds - "Texim Bulgaria", "Texim Conservative Fund", "Texim Balkans" and "Texim Commodities Strategies". The parent bank owns 100% of the company shares of "Teksim Projects" EOOD and "Teksim Project Companies" EOOD.
Source: Banker (30.08.2022)
Auto Union AD-Sofia (8AVB) Texim Bank AD, in its capacity as the trustee of the bondholders under the issue of bonds with ISIN code BG2100025126, issued by Auto Union AD-Sofia (8AVB), convenes a General Meeting of the bondholders from the issue on 16.09.2022 at 1:30 p.m. in Sofia, Christopher Columbus Blvd. No. 43, with the following agenda: - Change in the conditions of the bond loan. Draft decision: OSO accepts changes to the terms of the bond loan, namely: 1.1 Extension of the term of the bond loan, with a new five-year period, starting from 10.12.2022 to 10.12.2027. The maturity date becomes 10.12.2027. 1.2 The fixed interest rate of 4.5% on an annual basis be changed to 3.75% fixed on an annual basis, as from 10.12.2022 to 10.12.2027, interest coupon payments are calculated on the basis of 3.75% fixed annual interest. 1.3 Changing the principal payment period, namely: - on 10.12.2022, considered as the starting date of the new extended term of the bond issue, the principal amount of BGN 250,000 should be paid; - on the dates of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth interest payments, principal amounts of BGN 250,000 must be paid; - on the maturity date of the issue, the remaining principal in the amount of BGN 2,300,000 should be paid. 1.4 Approval of a repayment plan and the amount of coupon payments on the bond loan for the extended term of the issue, detailed in the invitation. 1.5 Change in the financial indicators of the issue, which Auto Union AD must maintain for the period until the end of the issue; 1.6 To secure the entire remaining amount of the principal in a maximum amount of BGN 4,550,000 and all interest payable for the period in the amount of BGN 642,136.13, to conclude an insurance contract with ZD Euroins AD, for all payments under the Bond Issue against the risk of non-payment, in favor of the Bank Trustee of the bondholders within the meaning of the CC. - In the absence of a quorum, the meeting will be held on 30.09.2022 at 1:30 p.m. at the same place and with the same agenda. The right to vote in the general meeting is exercised by the persons registered in the central register of securities as bondholders, 5 /five/ days before the date of the general meeting.
Source: BSE (01.09.2022)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE has received a quarterly report under Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 30 September 2022 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by CB Texim Bank AD (5CPA), ISIN BG2100007207.
Source: BSE (01.11.2022)
Despite the decline in interest income, the profit of "Teksim Bank" is growing The total net operating cash receipts from the activities of "Teksim Bank" in the nine months increased by 9.84 percent and amounted to BGN 13.91 million, according to the figures in the interim financial report of the credit institution. The company reported a decrease in net interest income - by 1.40 percent, while net income from fees and commissions increased by 8.16 percent. The financial result of "Teksim Bank" for the nine months of this year is a profit in the amount of BGN 751 thousand, which is growing compared to the same period a year earlier, when it was BGN 742 thousand. At the end of September, the bank's assets grew by 9.25% compared to 2021 to BGN 586.42 million. This is mainly the result of an increase in cash and cash balances with central banks. Teksim Bank reports an increase compared to the end of last year in loans to clients other than banks. The bank's portfolio of borrowers shows an increase to 71.45% share of corporate clients and a decrease to 28.55% for citizens and households.
Source: Banker (08.11.2022)
Money Plus Management AD-Sofia (MPMB) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1) of the POSA as of 30 September 2022 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the holders of bonds issued by Money Plus Management AD (MPMB), ISIN BG2100019178.
Source: BSE (14.11.2022)
The total net operational cash receipts from the activities of the "Teksim Bank" group in the period between January and September increased to BGN 14.006 million against BGN 12.42 million a year earlier. The consolidated financial result is a profit that grows more than twice on an annual basis - up to BGN 1.04 million. Realized net interest income decreased by 1.64 percent, while net fee and commission income increased by 7.06 percent at the end of September. The banking group includes "Teksim Bank" /the parent bank/ and the three subsidiaries controlled by it. In the management company "Teksim Asset Management" EAD owns 100% of the capital. It has organized four mutual funds - "Texim Bulgaria", "Texim Conservative Fund", "Texim Balkans" and "Texim Commodities Strategies". The parent bank owns 100% of the company shares of "Teksim Projects" EOOD and "Teksim Project Companies" EOOD. Teksim Solutions EOOD is part of the banking group. The largest shareholders are "Web Finance Holding" AD with a share of 18.88%, "Sila Holding" AD - with 8.93%, and POK "Saglasie" AD - with 6.98 percent. "Invest Capital" owns 5.17% of the voting rights. The companies "Datamax" AD, "Datamax System Holding" AD and "Itrade" AD, in their capacity as related parties, jointly own 14.81% of the capital.
Source: Other (06.12.2022)