Press Digest
Press digest - year 2018
Chimimport Group buys fifth leasing company The Chimimport Group may soon become the market leader in leasing. Until recently, two of the companies close to the smaller bank in the group - Texim Bank - were developing in this segment. Between 2015 and last year they bought four leasing companies - the Austrian Erste Group Immorent, Piraeus Leasing, BM Leasing and TBI Rent. The two leasing companies, close to the group - Leasing Finance and BM Leasing, have a total income of BGN 47.6 million, making them third in market share in Bulgaria. At the same time, however, the financial group around Central Cooperative Bank, which also had a leasing company through the insurance company Armeec, had not decided to expand its business. This, however, will change because the subsidiary of the insurer - Armeec Leasing has submitted documents to the Commission for Protection of Competition asking for permission for the purchase of ERB leasing - a leasing company of Postbank. Unlike Armeec Leasing, which until now developed a relatively niche business, ERB has a large portfolio and is 11th in market share.
Source: Capital (03.07.2018)
With reference to a decision of the Board of Directors of Severcoop Gamza Holding AD dated 21 March 2018 and 19 April 2018 for an increase in capital of the company and to the respective announcement pursuant to Art. 92a of the POSA via the information media as well as on the websites of the issuer and the authorised investment intermediary of 03 July 2018, the Director of Trading of BSE-Sofia has issued an order on the grounds of Art. 32 (2) in conjunction with (1) of Part III-Listing Rules of the BSE Rules and Regulations for the admission to trading of the following issue of rights: - Number of shares prior to the increase: 2,673,899 - Number of rights issued: 2,673,899 - Number of shares offered for subscription: 2,673,899 - Nominal value per share: BGN 2.00 - Issuing value per share: BGN 4.00 - Ratio between the rights issued and new shares: 1/1 (right to share) - Everyone may subscribe at least to one (1) new share and at most to such number of shares equal to the number of acquired and/or held rights. - The capital will be increased if at least 1,350,000 new shares will be subscribed to and paid in. - BSE code assigned to the issue of rights: 6S4M - ISIN of the issue of rights: BG4000009184 - LEI code of the issuer: 8945008JSEZX525SHD47 - Trading lot: One (1) right - Currency of trading: BGN - Minimum quote size: 0.001 - Indicative reference price set for the first trading session: BGN 0.01; In case of a change before the first date of trading, the new reference price will be duly disclosed. - Starting date of trading in rights on the Exchange: 16 July 2018 - Final date of trading in rights on the Exchange: 27 July 2018 - Starting date of transferring the rights: 16 July 2018 - Final date of transferring the rights: 31 July 2018 - Auction date as per Art. 112b (7) of the POSA: 07 August 2018 - Starting date of subscribing to shares of the increase: 16 July 2018 - Final date of subscribing to shares of the increase: 22 August 2018 - Investment intermediaries authorised to administer the capital increase: Capman AD - Bank with which an accumulation account will be opened: Texim Bank AD - The right to participate in the capital increase will be entitled to all persons who have acquired shares not later than seven (7) days following the date of publication of the public offering notice in pursuance of Art. 92a (1) of the POSA i.e. by Tuesday, 10 July 2018 (Record Date). - The final date for transacting shares of this company on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the holder will be entitled to take part in the capital increase, will be Friday, 06 July 2018 (i.e. Ex Date: 09 July 2018).
Source: BSE (05.07.2018)
Web Finance Holding AD-Sofia (9M7B) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the capacity of a bondholders' trustee on the issue of bonds of Web Finance Holding AD (9M7B), ISIN BG2100013098.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Asenova Krepost AD-Asenovgrad (83NA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Asenova Krepost AD-Asenovgrad (83NA), ISIN BG2100002091.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Technoimportexport AD-Sofia (1TXA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Technoimportexport AD (1TXA), ISIN BG2100013122.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Azalia I SLC-Varna (1AZA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Azalia I SLC-Varna (1AZA), ISIN BG2100023113.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Roi Property Fund REIT-Sofia (RPRA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Roi Property Fund REIT (RPRA), ISIN BG2100006167.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Gips AD-Kochava (0GP1) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Gips AD-Kochava (0GP1), ISIN BG2100004121.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni (4BUA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni (4BUA), ISIN BG2100015077.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Super Borovets Property Fund REIT-Varna (6SBA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Super Borovets Property Fund REIT-Varna (6SBA), ISIN BG2100009179.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA), ISIN BG2100020119.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
IT Soft EAD-Sofia (1BKA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the holders of bonds issued by IT Soft EAD-Sofia (1BKA), ISIN BG2100019178.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
Real Estate Sofia REIT-Sofia (RSSA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Real Estate Sofia REIT (RSSA), ISIN BG2100012157.
Source: BSE (22.08.2018)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CP) BSE has received the materials of the appointed extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CP) as follows: CB Texim Bank AD has appointed a General Meeting of Shareholders on 24 October 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the city of Sofia at 14 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd., Hotel Anel, Anel Hall, under the following agenda: - Change of the registered office address to Sofia, 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd. - Amendments to the Statutes of the company - In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will be held on 08 November 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the Central Depository fourteen (14) days prior to the GMS date, i.e. by 10 October 2018 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, will be 08 October 2018 (Ex Date: 09 October 2018).
Source: BSE (17.09.2018)
CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CP) The extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of CB Texim Bank AD dated 24 October 2018 has passed the following resolutions: - Change of the registered office address to Sofia, 117 Todor Aleksandrov Blvd. - Amendments to the Statutes of the company
Source: BSE (26.10.2018)
The following decision has been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 68 of 16 November 2018: With reference to an application submitted under Art. 20 (1) of Part III - Listing Rules and on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) thereof, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market, the following issue of bonds: - Issuer: Zagora Fininvest AD-Stara Zagora - Type of bonds: Ordinary, dematerialised, registered, interest-bearing, freely transferable, inconvertible, secured and non-financial - ISIN of the issue: BG2100006175 - BSE code assigned to the issue: ZAFA - Amount of the issue: EUR 10,000,000 - Number of bonds: 10,000 - Nominal value per bond: EUR 1,000 - Issuance currency: Euro (EUR) - Currency of trading: EUR - Trading lot: One (1) bond - Tick-size: 0.001 - First trading day: 21 November 2018 (Wednesday) - Last trading day: 24 March 2025 - The indicative reference price for the first trading session is 100% of the nominal value. - The price of the orders being entered is a percentage of the nominal value of one trading lot /clean price/. - The price of the bid and ask orders shall not include the interest accrued as of the date of the last interest payment until the moment of order entry. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE: - The issue is the first one of the issuer. - Issuance date: 29 March 2017 - Maturity date: 29 March 2025 - Term: 96 months as of the date of issuance - Annual interest rate: 5.40% - Day-count convention: ACT/365L - Debt repayment: Through amortisation - Amortisation schedule: The amortisation will take place in twelve (12) instalments payable along with the final twelve interest payments, eight of which are in the amount of EUR 750,000 each and the final four interest payments - in the amount of EUR 1,000,000 each. - Interest payment period: Every six (6) months on the following fixed dates 29.09.2017; 29.03.2018; 29.09.2018; 29.03.2019; 29.09.2019; 29.03.2020; 29.09.2020; 29.03.2021; 29.09.2021; 29.03.2022; 29.09.2022; 29.03.2023; 29.09.2023; 29.03.2024; 29.09.2024; 29.03.2025. * The right to an interest and amortisation payment shall be entitled to all bondholders registered as such not later than one (1) business day prior to the payment date respectively three (3) business days prior to the date of the last interest and amortisation payment that coincides with the issue's maturity date. - Trustee of the bondholders: Texim Bank AD - Call option: The issuer is entitled to repay early the principal at any time by giving one month's prior notice to the bondholders pursuant to the terms and conditions defined in the Prospectus of the bond issue. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER: - Name in the Latin alphabet: Zagora Fininvest AD-Stara Zagora - Registered address: Stara Zagora, 26 Ruski Blvd. - LEI code: 8945008FBO2NMLLAI929 - BULSTAT UIC: 123017547 - Correspondence address: Stara Zagora, 26 Ruski Blvd. - Tel.: +359 895 766 632 - E-mail: - Website: - Authorised representative: Svetoslav Dechev - Contact person: n/a - Information disclosure to the public via - Scope of business activity: Trade activities; commercial representation and mediation; domestic and foreign agency; leasing of tangible and fixed assets, services as well as any other economic activity not prohibited by law.
Source: BSE (19.11.2018)
Holding Varna AD-Varna (5V2) Shareholding disclosure notification under Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (market abuse regulation) from Texim Bank AD
Source: BSE (20.11.2018)
Azalia I SLC-Varna (1AZA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Azalia I SLC-Varna (1AZA), ISIN BG2100023113.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
IT Soft EAD-Sofia (1BKA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the holders of bonds issued by IT Soft EAD-Sofia (1BKA), ISIN BG2100019178.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Asenova Krepost AD-Asenovgrad (83NA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Asenova Krepost AD-Asenovgrad (83NA), ISIN BG2100002091.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Sila Holding AD-Stara Zagora (6S5B) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Sila Holding AD-Stara Zagora (6S5B), ISIN BG2100010102.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Technoimportexport AD-Sofia (1TXA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Technoimportexport AD (1TXA), ISIN BG2100013122.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Gips AD-Kochava (0GP1) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Gips AD-Kochava (0GP1), ISIN BG2100004121.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Super Borovets Property Fund REIT-Varna (6SBA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Super Borovets Property Fund REIT-Varna (6SBA), ISIN BG2100009179.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Roi Property Fund REIT-Sofia (RPRA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Roi Property Fund REIT (RPRA), ISIN BG2100006167.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Real Estate Sofia REIT-Sofia (RSSA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Real Estate Sofia REIT (RSSA), ISIN BG2100012157.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni (4BUA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni (4BUA), ISIN BG2100015077.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA), ISIN BG2100020119.
Source: BSE (22.11.2018)
Holding Varna AD-Varna (5V2) Shareholding disclosure notification under Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (market abuse regulation) from Texim Bank AD dated 06 December 2018
Source: BSE (07.12.2018)
Industry Development Holding JSC-Sofia (6R1A) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from CB Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Industry Development Holding JSC (6R1A), ISIN BG2100019160.
Source: BSE (19.12.2018)
Avto Union AD-Sofia (8AVB) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from CB Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Avto Union AD-Sofia (8AVB), ISIN BG2100025126.
Source: BSE (19.12.2018)
Finance Security Group JSC-Sofia (FSPA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from CB Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Finance Security Group JSC (FSPA), ISIN BG2100006159.
Source: BSE (19.12.2018)
Zenith Investment Holding AD-Sofia (0Z4A) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2018 from CB Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Zenith Investment Holding AD-Sofia (0Z4A), ISIN BG2100018170.
Source: BSE (19.12.2018)
With reference to an application submitted under Art. 20 (1) of Part III - Listing Rules and on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) thereof, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market the following issue of bonds: - Issuer: Motobul EAD-Sofia - Type of bonds: Ordinary, dematerialised, registered, interest-bearing, secured, freely transferable, inconvertible and non-financial - ISIN of the issue: BG2100006183 - BSE code assigned to the issue: M0LA (the second symbol to be read as a digit) - Amount of the issue: BGN 8,800,000 - Number of bonds: 8,800 - Nominal value per bond: BGN 1,000 - Issuance currency: BGN - Currency of trading: BGN - Trading lot: One (1) bond - Minimum quote size: 0.001 - Starting date of trading: 27 December 2018 (Thursday) - Final date of trading: 02 June 2028 - The indicative reference price for the first trading session is 100% of the nominal value. - The price of the orders being entered is a percentage of the nominal value of one trading lot /clean price/. - The price of the bid and ask orders shall not include the interest accrued as of the date of the last interest payment until the moment of order entry. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE: - This is the first bond issue of the issuer. - Annual interest rate: 3.85% - Date of issuance: 13 June 2018 - Maturity date: 13 June 2028 - Day count convention: Act/365L - Term of the issue: 120 months as of the date of issuance - Debt repayment: Through amortisation - Amortisation schedule: The amortisation will take place in eleven (11) instalments. - Amortisation time schedule: Every six (6) months on the following fixed dates 13 June 2023 - BGN 200,000 13 December 2023 - BGN 200,000 13 June 2024 - BGN 200,000 13 December 2024 - BGN 200,000 13 June 2025 - BGN 200,000 13 December 2025 -BGN 200,000 13 June 2026 - BGN 200,000 13 December 2026 - BGN 200,000 13 June 2027 - BGN 200,000 13 December 2027 - BGN 200,000 13 June 2028 - BGN 6,800,000 - Interest payment period: Every six (6) months on the following fixed dates 13 December 2018 13 June 2019; 13 December 2019 13 June 2020; 13 December 2020 13 June 2021; 13 December 2021 13 June 2022; 13 December 2022 13 June 2023; 13 December 2023 13 June 2024; 13 December 2024 13 June 2025; 13 December 2025 13 June 2026; 13 December 2026 13 June 2027; 13 December 2027 13 June 2028 * The right to an interest & amortisation payment shall be entitled to all bondholders registered as such not later than five /5/ business days prior to the payment date respectively five /5/ business days prior to the date of the final interest & amortisation payment that coincides with the issue's maturity date. - Trustee of the bondholders: Texim Bank AD - Call option: Right to an early repayment of the entire principal or of part of the principal on the interest payment dates, but not less than BGN 500,000 under the conditions set out in the Prospectus INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER: - Name in the Latin alphabet: Motobul EAD - Seat of business: Sofia, 43 Christopher Columbus Blvd. - BULSTAT UIC: 204917226 - LEI code: 529900F6BNUR3RJ2WH29 - Correspondence address: Sofia, 43 Christopher Columbus Blvd. - Tel.: (+359 2) 489 75 50 - E-mail: - Website: - Represented by: Georgi Demirev and Milen Hristov, jointly and severally - Contact person: Galya Georgieva - Information disclosure to the public via - Scope of business activity: Trade in cars and spare parts, automotive tires and oils, service and maintenance of cars as well as any other activity not prohibited by law
Source: BSE (20.12.2018)