Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
A. Total operating expenses 3
I. Operational expenses  
1. Material expenses  
2. Hired services  
3. Depreciation  
4. Salaries, wages and other remuneration  
5. Social security and welfare  
6. Other expenditure, incl.  
- impairment of assets  
- provisions  
II. Adjusting items  
1. Book value of the sold assets (excl. finished production)  
2. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated fixed assets  
3. Change of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments  
4. Animals fattening  
5. Other adjusting items  
III. Financial expenses 3
1. Interest expenses  
incl. interests to related parties  
2. Losses from operations with financial assets and instruments  
3. Foreign exchange rate losses  
4. Other financial expenses 3
C. Operating income 1 789
IV. Extraordinary expenses  
D. Total expenses 3
E. Profit before tax 1 789
V. Tax expenses  
1. Profit tax  
2. Deferred corporate profit tax  
3. Other taxes  
E. Net income (Profit) 1 789
INCOME 1 792
A. Total operating income 1 792
I. Net sales revenue  
1. Finished Products  
2. Goods for resale  
3. Materials  
4. Services  
- incl. intermediation  
5. Fixed assets, rentals  
6. Others  
II. Subsidies  
incl . State budget grants  
III. Financial income 1 792
1. Interest income  
incl. interests from related parties  
2. Income from participations 1 792
incl. dividends from related parties 1 792
3. Gains from trading with financial instruments  
4. Profits from foreign exchange rates  
5. Other financial income  
C. Operating loss  
IV. Extraordinary revenues  
D. Total Income 1 792
E. Loss before tax  
F. Total Loss