Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENSES 415 357 417 050 566 417 578 859 597 523 641 239 583 574 479 003 496 803 454 052 380 769 345 674 306 598 286 600 311 848 282 806
A. Total operating expenses 416 369 418 394 568 801 579 199 596 271 638 496 562 069 479 003 498 051 454 052 375 358 345 012 304 989 283 914 304 812 282 806
I. Operational expenses 417 028 418 878 569 197 579 470 595 584 637 741 561 742 478 261 495 536 449 602 371 861 342 221 302 058 281 593 303 697 281 724
1. Material expenses 253 581 243 673 375 310 444 501 476 565 527 570 442 507 362 640 389 041 331 566 274 356 257 223 216 284 198 491 232 422 218 156
2. Hired services 22 799 21 532 22 372 17 750 16 197 14 818 12 596 11 845 10 729 11 780 5 404 7 312 10 760 10 076 9 860 7 943
3. Depreciation 31 139 32 624 37 380 37 787 36 711 29 901 29 077 29 443 28 519 27 775 29 181 29 081 28 881 30 136 29 694 13 578
4. Salaries, wages and other remuneration 51 171 46 468 27 757 42 037 39 832 39 521 39 994 38 548 38 954 35 905 19 747 14 615 14 676 13 964 13 582 13 785
5. Social security and welfare     16 278               14 046 12 040 13 131 12 290 10 226 6 954
6. Other expenditure, incl. 58 338 74 581 90 100 37 395 26 279 25 931 37 568 35 785 28 293 42 576 29 127 21 950 18 326 16 636 7 913 21 308
- impairment of assets         11 907             12 201 9 972 7 466   6 096
- provisions                                
II. Adjusting items -861 -747 -771 -693   -581 -533 -61     -430 -328 -412 -368 -370 -113
1. Book value of the sold assets (excl. finished production)                     10 51 32 88 17 34
2. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated fixed assets     -771 -693             -440 -379 -444 -456 -387 -150
3. Change of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments                               -5
4. Animals fattening                                
5. Other adjusting items -861 -747       -581 -533 -61               8
III. Financial expenses 202 263 375 422 687 1 336 860 803 2 515 4 450 3 927 3 119 3 343 2 689 1 485 1 195
1. Interest expenses               803 2 236 4 053 3 246 2 030 1 964 1 450 251 326
incl. interests to related parties                                
2. Losses from operations with financial assets and instruments                     113          
3. Foreign exchange rate losses                       321 222 178 313 589
4. Other financial expenses             860   279 397 568 768 1 157 1 061 921 280
C. Operating income         1 252 2 743 21 505           1 609 2 686 7 035  
IV. Extraordinary expenses                                
D. Total expenses 416 369 418 394 568 801 579 199 596 271 638 496 562 069 479 003 498 051 454 052 375 358 345 012 304 989 283 914 304 812 282 806
E. Profit before tax         1 252 2 743 21 505           1 609 2 686 7 036  
V. Tax expenses -1 012 -1 344 -2 384 -340 -4 101 17 -1 404   -1 248   5 411 662 -1 020 -29 3 379  
1. Profit tax -1 012 -1 344     -4 101 17 -1 404               3 422  
2. Deferred corporate profit tax                                
3. Other taxes                     5 411     -29 -43  
E. Net income (Profit)         5 353 2 726 22 909           2 629 2 715 3 657  
INCOME 415 357 417 050 566 417 578 859 597 523 641 239 583 574 479 003 496 803 454 052 380 769 345 674 306 598 286 600 311 848 282 806
A. Total operating income 380 540 376 228 507 182 521 201 597 523 641 239 583 574 468 963 454 991 390 769 365 765 335 164 306 598 286 600 311 847 269 952
I. Net sales revenue 380 539 376 225 507 058 520 725 597 028 640 727 583 573 467 851 454 678 390 605 363 566 332 644 305 005 277 816 293 795 264 260
1. Finished Products     425 723           423 149   332 660 316 877 291 321 265 630 272 064 246 889
2. Goods for resale                               1
3. Materials                     1 37 40   10  
4. Services                   348 614 2 4 11 36 34 71
- incl. intermediation                                
5. Fixed assets, rentals                 45     281 231   445  
6. Others     81 335       583 573   31 484 41 991 30 903 15 445 13 402 12 150 21 242 17 299
II. Subsidies                     2 071 2 293 1 295 8 515 17 263 5 506
incl . State budget grants                           7 500 16 275 4 583
III. Financial income 1 3 124 476 495 512 1 1 112 313 164 128 227 298 269 789 186
1. Interest income               481 313 164 50 34 91 95 78 62
incl. interests from related parties                                
2. Income from participations                       1       11
incl. dividends from related parties                                
3. Gains from trading with financial instruments                             711 113
4. Profits from foreign exchange rates                     78 192 207 174    
5. Other financial income             1 631                
C. Operating loss 35 829 42 166 61 619 57 998       10 040 43 060 63 283 9 593 9 848       12 854
IV. Extraordinary revenues                             1 1
D. Total Income 380 540 376 228 507 182 521 201 597 523 641 239 583 574 468 963 454 991 390 769 365 765 335 164 306 598 286 600 311 848 269 953
E. Loss before tax 35 829 42 166 61 619 57 998       10 040 43 060 63 283 9 593 9 848       12 853
F. Total Loss 34 817 40 822 59 235 57 658       10 040 41 812 63 283 15 004 10 510       12 853
Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENDITURES 313 121 271 451 244 853 298 308
I. Operating activities expenses 306 118 269 172 243 728 261 993
1. Decreased production, working process, expected expenditures   2   5
2. Material expenditure 245 325 212 120 184 502 219 227
3. Outward service expenditure 7 249 7 421 13 511 9 299
4. Wages and salaries 14 802 14 780 13 180 11 171
5. Social security contributions 7 349 7 497 7 657 6 394
6. Depreciation 12 931 13 853 13 026 7 949
7. Other expenditure 18 236 12 857 11 764 7 825
incl. decrease in the value of material supply        
incl. provision expenditures 16 595 11 445 10 233 6 121
8. Costs of goods sold 226 642 88 122
II. Financial expenditures 1 146 1 198 562 1 088
9. Interests 421 170 59 58
incl. interests to related companies        
10. Differences from transactions in securities        
incl. investments in related companies        
11. Losses from foreign exchange transactions 459 776 260 862
12. Other financial expenditures 266 252 243 168
III. Extraordinary costs 5 857 1 081 563 35 227
IV. Total costs 313 121 271 451 244 853 298 308
V. Accounting profit        
VI. Taxes        
1. Profit tax        
2. Other taxes        
VII. Profit        
REVENUES 313 121 271 451 244 853 298 308
I. Revenues 243 513 233 845 230 952 286 075
1. Net sales revenues 224 070 209 552 217 763 203 788
incl. companies with controlling stake        
2. Subsidies 19 324 24 176 12 449 81 785
incl. State budget grants 18 518   12 164 81 773
3. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 90 101 708 198
4. Increases of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments 29 16 32 10
5. Other revenues       294
5a/ animals fattening        
5b/ materials from own output        
5c/ others       294
II. Financial receipts 1 025 1 332 933 623
6. Interests 235 165 75 159
incl. interests from related companies        
7. Revenues connected with shareholders participations        
incl. dividends from related companies        
8. Differences from transactions in securities        
incl. investments in related companies        
9. Profits from foreign exchange rates 790 1 167 858 464
10. Other financial receipts        
III. Extraordinary revenues 10 034 12 543 9 458 3 237
IV. Total Revenues 254 572 247 720 241 343 289 935
V. Accounting loss 58 549 23 731 3 510 8 373
VI. Loss 58 549 23 731 3 510 8 373