Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Balance sheets
in thous. BGN
ASSETS 1 973 327
A. Fixed Assets 1 445 853
I. Tangible assets 1 246 452
1. Land 40 976
2. Buildings 109 838
3. Machinery 221 487
4. Equipment 392 235
5. Vehicles 12 334
6. Herds  
7. Others 5 212
8. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated tangible fixed assets 464 370
II. Intangible assets 8 559
1. Intellectual Property Rights 333
2. Software 7 490
3. Research and development costs  
4. Other intangible fixed assets 736
III. Long-term Financial Assets 190 830
1. Shareholdings, incl: 3 719
2. Investment property  
2. Other long-term securities  
4. Long-term receivables, incl. 187 111
IV. Goodwill  
1. Positive Goodwill  
2. Negative Goodwill  
V. Deferred Expenses 12
VI. Deferred tax assets  
B. Current Assets 527 474
I. Inventory 41 616
1. Raw materials 41 233
2. Finished products 124
3. Goods for sale 161
4. Young and Fattening Livestock  
5. Small animals  
6. Work in progress 98
7. Other inventory  
II. Short-term receivables 424 790
1. Receivables from related parties  
2. Receivables from customers and suppliers 256 186
3. Trade credits granted 3 332
4. Legal and award receivables 37 627
5. Refundable taxes 36 061
6. Other short-term receivables 91 584
III. Short-term Financial Assets  
1. In related parties  
2. Own debt securities purchased back  
3. Short-term securities  
4. Precious and jewellery  
5. Other short-term financial assets  
IV. Cash 59 651
1. Cash in hand 149
2. Cash at banks 44 241
3. Restricted cash 15 261
4. Cash equivalents  
V. Deferred expenses 1 417
C. Contingent Assets 151 769
A. Shareholders' Equity 1 495 658
I. Fixed capital 463 933
1. Subscribed capital 463 933
2. Unpaid capital  
3. Company shares purchased back  
II. Reserves 888 692
1. Issue premiums  
2. Revaluation reserve 310 868
3. Specific reserves incl: 577 824
III. Financial result 143 033
1. Accumulated Profit (Loss) 3 528
2. Current Profit 139 505
3. Current Loss  
B. Long-term Liabilities 202 697
I. Long-term Liabilities 177 877
1. Amounts payable to related parties  
2. Amounts payable to financial institutions 177 802
3. Debts on trade loans  
3. Debts on bond loans  
4. Deferred taxes  
5. Other long-term liabilities 75
II. Deferred Income 24 820
III. Deferred tax liabilities  
C. Short-term liabilities 274 972
I. Current liabilities 274 881
1. Payables to related parties  
2. Payables to financial institutions 36 485
3. Payables to suppliers and customers 146 276
4. Trade credits received 68
5. Payables to personnel 2 788
6. Social security payables 2 177
7. Tax liabilities 3 443
8. Other current liabilities 80 956
9. Provisions 2 688
II. Deferred Income 91
D. Contingent Liabilities 395