Balance sheets
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2007, Not available
Profit and loss accounts

Balance sheets
in thous. BGN
ASSETS 11 256
A. Fixed Assets 8 630
I. Tangible assets 1
1. Land  
2. Buildings  
3. Machinery 1
4. Equipment  
5. Vehicles  
6. Herds  
7. Others  
8. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated tangible fixed assets  
II. Intangible assets 4
1. Intellectual Property Rights  
2. Software 4
3. Research and development costs  
4. Other intangible fixed assets  
III. Long-term Financial Assets 8 625
1. Shareholdings, incl:  
2. Investment property  
2. Other long-term securities  
4. Long-term receivables, incl. 8 625
IV. Goodwill  
1. Positive Goodwill  
2. Negative Goodwill  
V. Deferred Expenses  
VI. Deferred tax assets  
B. Current Assets 2 626
I. Inventory  
1. Raw materials  
2. Finished products  
3. Goods for sale  
4. Young and Fattening Livestock  
5. Small animals  
6. Work in progress  
7. Other inventory  
II. Short-term receivables 1 229
1. Receivables from related parties  
2. Receivables from customers and suppliers  
3. Trade credits granted  
4. Legal and award receivables  
5. Refundable taxes  
6. Other short-term receivables 1 229
III. Short-term Financial Assets  
1. In related parties  
2. Own debt securities purchased back  
3. Short-term securities  
4. Precious and jewellery  
5. Other short-term financial assets  
IV. Cash 1 397
1. Cash in hand 2
2. Cash at banks 1 395
3. Restricted cash  
4. Cash equivalents  
V. Deferred expenses  
C. Contingent Assets  
A. Shareholders' Equity 5 425
I. Fixed capital 5 115
1. Subscribed capital 5 115
2. Unpaid capital  
3. Company shares purchased back  
II. Reserves -43
1. Issue premiums  
2. Revaluation reserve -47
3. Specific reserves incl: 4
III. Financial result 353
1. Accumulated Profit (Loss) 13
2. Current Profit 340
3. Current Loss  
B. Long-term Liabilities 3 961
I. Long-term Liabilities 3 961
1. Amounts payable to related parties  
2. Amounts payable to financial institutions 3 961
3. Debts on trade loans  
3. Debts on bond loans  
4. Deferred taxes  
5. Other long-term liabilities  
II. Deferred Income  
III. Deferred tax liabilities  
C. Short-term liabilities 1 870
I. Current liabilities 1 870
1. Payables to related parties  
2. Payables to financial institutions 1 696
3. Payables to suppliers and customers 53
4. Trade credits received 96
5. Payables to personnel 3
6. Social security payables  
7. Tax liabilities 16
8. Other current liabilities 6
9. Provisions  
II. Deferred Income  
D. Contingent Liabilities