Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Balance sheets
in thous. BGN
ASSETS 4 063 750
A. Fixed Assets 3 372 377
I. Tangible assets 3 192 271
1. Land 55 135
2. Buildings 148 922
3. Machinery 747 153
4. Equipment 1 232 627
5. Vehicles 9 456
6. Herds  
7. Others 3 790
8. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated tangible fixed assets 995 188
II. Intangible assets 17 769
1. Intellectual Property Rights 3 011
2. Software 9 642
3. Research and development costs  
4. Other intangible fixed assets 5 116
III. Long-term Financial Assets 162 337
1. Shareholdings, incl: 132 293
2. Investment property  
2. Other long-term securities  
4. Long-term receivables, incl. 30 044
IV. Goodwill  
1. Positive Goodwill  
2. Negative Goodwill  
V. Deferred Expenses  
VI. Deferred tax assets  
B. Current Assets 691 373
I. Inventory 27 313
1. Raw materials 27 031
2. Finished products 77
3. Goods for sale 103
4. Young and Fattening Livestock  
5. Small animals  
6. Work in progress 102
7. Other inventory  
II. Short-term receivables 525 905
1. Receivables from related parties 850
2. Receivables from customers and suppliers 366 335
3. Trade credits granted 123 615
4. Legal and award receivables 7 440
5. Refundable taxes 27 444
6. Other short-term receivables 221
III. Short-term Financial Assets  
1. In related parties  
2. Own debt securities purchased back  
3. Short-term securities  
4. Precious and jewellery  
5. Other short-term financial assets  
IV. Cash 132 472
1. Cash in hand 192
2. Cash at banks 132 280
3. Restricted cash  
4. Cash equivalents  
V. Deferred expenses 5 683
C. Contingent Assets  
A. Shareholders' Equity 2 803 492
I. Fixed capital 639 711
1. Subscribed capital 639 711
2. Unpaid capital  
3. Company shares purchased back  
II. Reserves 2 144 136
1. Issue premiums  
2. Revaluation reserve 1 479 379
3. Specific reserves incl: 664 757
III. Financial result 19 645
1. Accumulated Profit (Loss) -14 318
2. Current Profit 33 963
3. Current Loss  
B. Long-term Liabilities 778 484
I. Long-term Liabilities 760 125
1. Amounts payable to related parties  
2. Amounts payable to financial institutions 596 643
3. Debts on trade loans  
3. Debts on bond loans  
4. Deferred taxes 160 546
5. Other long-term liabilities 2 936
II. Deferred Income 18 359
III. Deferred tax liabilities  
C. Short-term liabilities 481 774
I. Current liabilities 480 215
1. Payables to related parties 19 351
2. Payables to financial institutions 97 195
3. Payables to suppliers and customers 351 010
4. Trade credits received 547
5. Payables to personnel 7 043
6. Social security payables 1 914
7. Tax liabilities 2 670
8. Other current liabilities  
9. Provisions 485
II. Deferred Income 1 559
D. Contingent Liabilities