Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Balance sheets
in thous. BGN
ASSETS 790 384
A. Unpaid Share Subscriptions  
B. Fixed Assets 327 109
I. Tangible assets 324 949
1. Buildings, land, forests and perennials 93 518
2. Machinery and equipment 180 978
3. Other tangible assets 7 467
4. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 42 986
II. Intangible assets 852
1. Start up and expansion costs  
2. Research and development 163
3. Software 620
4. Patents, licenses, concessions, know-how, trade marks 69
5. Other intangible assets  
III. Long-term investment 1 308
1. Controlling stake 10
2. Majority stake 1 268
3. Minority stake 30
4. Investment property  
5. Others  
IV. Long-term receivables  
1. Receivables from related companies  
2. Receivables on granted trade loans  
3. Other long-term receivables  
V. Goodwill  
C. Current Assets 463 275
I. Stocks 267 462
1. Raw materials 82 858
2. Finished products 115 442
3. Goods 390
4. Young animals and animals for fattening  
5. Work in progress 68 772
6. Other current assets  
II. Short-term receivables 166 358
1. Receivables from related companies, incl. dividends  
2. Receivables for sales 137 618
3. Advances made 4 995
4. Receivables on granted trade loans  
5. Legal and award receivables 4 967
6. Due taxes 13 148
7. Other receivables 5 630
III. Short-term investments  
1. In related companies, incl. shares and bonds  
2. Other short-term investments  
IV. Funds 14 611
1. Cash 167
2. Bank accounts 14 289
3. Frozen funds 155
V. Deferred expenditures 14 844
D. Off Balance Sheet Assets 68 806
A. Shareholders' Equity -63 168
I. Capital 332 536
1. Fixed capital 13 527
2. Complementary capital 319 009
II. Issue bonuses  
III. Revaluation reserves 90 925
IV. Reserves 6
1. Legal reserves  
2. Complementary reserves 6
V. Result from previous periods -91 998
1. Undistributed profit 132
2. Uncovered loss -92 130
VI. Result from the period under report -394 637
1. Profit  
2. Loss -394 637
B. Liabilities 83 314
I. Long-term debts 83 314
1. Debts to related companies  
2. Debts on received bank loans 83 314
3. Debts on received trade loans  
4. Deferred taxes  
5. Other long-term payables  
II. Deferred Income  
1. Negative Goodwill  
2. Other deferred income  
C. Short-term liabilities 767 088
I. Payables 766 560
1. Payables, connected with participations 6 598
2. Payables on received bank loans 101 307
3. Payables on received trade loans  
4. Payables to deliverers 290 123
5. Advance payables 11 040
6. Payables to the budget 344 691
7. Payables to the staff 2 279
8. Social security payables 2 305
9. Other payables 8 217
II. Deferred Income 528
D. Financing 3 150
1. For fixed assets 3 150
2. For current activites  
E. Off Balance Sheet Liabilities 68 806