Short Company profile

IpoTech Sofcom


Sofia, 1618
74 "Ralevitsa" str., floor 3, office 3.3
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 207296582
Capital (BGN): 3 801 706

Branch: Other credit granting
General Meetings: Last - 21.06.2024 


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03.12.2024: At a meeting of the Committee on Indices at the BSE AD under...
16.10.2024: "Ipotech Sofcom" AD and "Sofia Commerce-Pawnshops" AD will...
22.08.2024: IpoTech Sofcom AD (IPS) IpoTech Sofcom AD presented a quarterly...
24.06.2024: IpoTech Sofcom AD (IPSP) The General Meeting of Shareholders of...
24.06.2024: The general meeting of shareholders of "Sofia...
24.06.2024: IpoTech Sofcom AD (IPSP) At the regular General Meeting of...
04.06.2024: The BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under...
21.05.2024: The following decision was taken at a meeting of the Committee...
16.05.2024: IpoTech Sofcom AD (IPS) IpoTech Sofcom AD publishes a...
02.05.2024: IpoTech Sofcom AD (IPS) IpoTech Sofcom AD publishes Annual...

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This company profile is visited 359 times
[2024: 359, ... ]