Short Company profile

ImPulse Growth


Sofia, 1784
Mladost, bl. 29A
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 206421264
Capital (BGN): 5 983 468

Branch: Other credit granting
Licences & Certificates:  Public company
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2024 


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20.12.2024: ImPulse Growth AD (IMP) Notification of the admission to...
19.12.2024: The beam Market Management Committee at BSE adopted the...
19.12.2024: ImPulse Growth AD (IMPW1) On the grounds of Art. 49 (1), item...
17.12.2024: ImPulse Growth AD (IMP) ImPulse Growth AD announced the...
17.12.2024: BSE received an application for admission to trading of a...
13.12.2024: ImPulse Growth AD (IMP) ImPuls Growth AD announces that Tapline...
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03.12.2024: At a meeting of the Committee on Indices at the BSE AD under...
29.11.2024: Impulse Growth AD (IMP) Impulse Growth AD publishes a...
26.11.2024: Impulse Growth AD reported a net profit of BGN 1.231 million...

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This company profile is visited 670 times
[2024: 670, ... ]