Short Company profile

Grain Terminal Varna West JSC - Devnia


Devnia, 9160
zh.k. Promishlena zona, sgrada "Agropolihim"
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 203609503
Capital (BGN): 42 400 100

Branch: Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.
Registered Actitity: Trade and transportation, shipping, warehouses activity, storage, processing, packing, loading of grain and products, related to chemical industry, ores and other raw material in solid state and in bulk form, shipping, training and professional qualification, lab tests, storage of grain and issuing of warehouse receipts, trading in grain.

10.10.2023: A new grain terminal is operational at the port of...
06.02.2019: Agropolychim invested BGN 100 million in expanding...

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