Short Company profile

Vicy Invest 1 SPLTD - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4003
ul. Knyaginya Mariya Luiza 8, et. 3
phone: 032/277901, 277969

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200929804
Reg No: n.a.
No of employees: 1 (2018)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): -2 (2020)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): n.a.
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 2 695 (2018)
Capital (BGN): 2 541 000

Branch: Collection and treatment of sewage
Registered Actitity: Research, design, construction, maintenance, operation and management of treatment plants, drinking water supply, drainage and wastewater treatment and hydro facilities to them, providing water and wastewater services, operating a water and sewerage operator, and any other activity prohibited by law.

16.09.2010: The ecology inspectorate in Burgas imposed a fine of BGN 18,121...

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