Short Company profile

Opportunity Bulgaria Investment JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
bul. Knyaginya Mariya Luiza 19, et. 1, ap. 5
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200741300
Capital (BGN): 10 199 999

Branch: Manufacture of electricity
Licences & Certificates:  Public company
General Meetings: Last - 14.05.2024 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture of electricity


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15.05.2024: Opportunities Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBI) At the regular AGM...
15.05.2024: Opportunities Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBI) At the General...
13.05.2024: Opportunity Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBB) The first General...
02.05.2024: At a meeting held by the Board of Directors of the BSE under...
22.04.2024: Opportunities Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBB) Opportunity...
11.04.2024: Opportunities Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBI) Opportunity...
10.04.2024: BSE received an application for admission to trading of an issue...
09.04.2024: Opportunity Bulgaria Investment AD (OPBI) The public offering...
02.04.2024: BSE informs all its members that the auction under Art. 112b (7)...
19.03.2024: According to the Board of Directors' decisions dated 24 November...

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