Short Company profile

ASM SPLTD - Montana


Montana, 3400
5, Gotso Mitov Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 111544611
Capital (BGN): 100 000

Branch: Wholesale of chemical products
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Registered grain trader
Registered Actitity: Trade in agrochemicals (herbicides, pesticides, funticides, growth boosters, durable solutions fertilizers, complex and compound fertilizers, micro fertilizers, improvers, insecticides, biogenic, etc.) in Bulgaria and abroad, production of agricultural products and seeds for sowing and trading them in Bulgaria and abroad, trade in mineral fertilizers with diesel, petrol and lubricants in the country and abroad and in intellectual production, transport services in Bulgaria and abroad, processing of agricultural land with agricultural machinery, trade in the country and abroad, construction and currency exchange, sales of agricultural machinery, equipment and spare parts in Bulgaria and abroad and other activities, not forbidden by law. Storage of deposited grain and issuing of storage receipts.

08.02.2024: The 10 largest traders in the chemical products trading sector...
20.12.2006: Asm SPLTD Montana won the prize for a company that has hired...
13.01.2006: District Court Montana registers the capital raise of Asm SPLTD...
13.09.2005: District Court Montana registers the following changes for Asm...
20.06.2005: The image of the old industrial zone in Montana is no longer the...
19.08.2004: Licenses by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for trade in...
04.06.2004: District Court Montana registers the following changes for Asm...
13.12.2002: District Court Montana registers sole trade limited company Asm...

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This company profile is visited 1 592 times
[2024: 332, ... ]