Short Company profile

Nash Dom - Bulgaria Holding JSC - Lovetch


Lovetch, 5500
ul. Aleksandar Kusev No 20
phone: 02/0879400061, 9816010,9808494,9801210,9803959
fax: 02/980 13 17,973 37 20

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121663697
VAT No: BG121663697
Reg No: 13530/96
No of employees: 2 (2021)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): -23 (2020)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): n.a.
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 10 024 (2019)
Capital (BGN): 5 481 696

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company Registered grain trader
General Meetings: Last - 15.03.2022 
Registered Actitity: Securities investment, shares acquisition, enterprises management, participation in the privatization process


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