Short Company profile

Auto Union JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1592
43 Hristofor Kolumb Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 131361786
Capital (BGN): 12 001 200

Branch: Business and management consultancy activities
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer
General Meetings: Last - 08.09.2017 
Registered Actitity: import and production, real estate activity, transport, trade representation and mediation of domestic and foreign individuals, advertising, commissioning, printing and publishing activity, any other activity not forbidden by law


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09.07.2024: Avto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) The calculation of interest accrued...
09.07.2024: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
05.07.2024: A second initial public offering of bonds will be held on the...
25.06.2024: Auto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) Notice of change in the Board of...
13.06.2024: Avto Union AD-Sofia (8AVB) BSE received a report under Art....
11.06.2024: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
11.06.2024: Avto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) The calculation of interest accrued...
11.06.2024: Avto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) On the grounds of Art. 74 (2) in...
05.06.2024: Avto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) In view of a forthcoming partial...
05.06.2024: Avto Union EAD-Sofia (8AVB) In view of a forthcoming interest...

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[2024: 345, ... ]