Short Company profile

Active Properties REIT - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4023
37 Nestor Abadjiev Str., fl. 2
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115869689
Capital (BGN): 19 728 099

Branch: Other financial intermediation n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company
General Meetings: Last - 26.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Investing funds raised by securities issue in real estate through purchase of right of property and other rights, construction and improvements, leasing, sale.


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27.06.2024: Active Properties REIT (AKTV) At the regular AGM of Active...
11.06.2024: Aktiv Properties REIT (AKTB) The calculation of interest...
06.06.2024: Active Properties REIT (AKTB) BSE AD has received a report...
04.06.2024: Aktiv Properties REIT (AKTB) In view of a forthcoming interest...
27.05.2024: Active Properties REIT (AKTV) Active Properties REIT convenes a...
28.03.2024: Aktiv Properties REIT (AKTB) BSE received a report under Art....
17.01.2024: Active Properties REIT-Plovdiv (AKTV) At the extraordinary...
02.01.2024: Aktiv Properties REIT (AKTB) BSE received a report under Art....
18.12.2023: Aktiv Properties REIT (AKTV) Aktiv Properties REIT appointed an...
13.12.2023: Active Properties REIT (AKTB) As of 13.12.2023, the accrual of...

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[2024: 548, ... ]