Short Company profile

Demetra-Agrochimservice JSC - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4003
Brezovsko shose Str., POB 642
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115090638
Capital (BGN): 54 308

Branch: Wholesale of chemical products
General Meetings: Last - 08.08.2024 
Registered Actitity: Installation of new technologies, consulting, information services, manures, plants protection, repairs, spare parts.

12.04.2010: Demetra-Agrochimservice JSC - Plovdiv has appointed Annual...
17.03.2009: Demetra-Agrochimservice JSC - Plovdiv has appointed Annual...
09.03.2009: Demetra-Agrochimservice JSC - Plovdiv has appointed Annual...
04.01.2001: 30 companies from the former Plovdiv region could not find...
15.07.1998: A check in Plovdiv District found out lacks of materials from...
17.10.1996: Polimeri JSC will not be admitted to the first auction...

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This company profile is visited 2 413 times
[2025: 118, 2024: 261, ... ]