Short Company profile

Interpriborservice LTD - Kozloduy [Insolvent]


Kozloduy, 3321
teritoriyata na AETs Kozloduji EAD
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831577794
Capital (BGN): 14 100

Branch: Manufacture of other special purpose machinery n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 27001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001
Registered Actitity: Service automation, software texnicheski complexes automated texnicheski complexes and appliances texnika for nuclear power and other industries using similar means

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08.02.2005: NSSI announced the top 20 most loyal employers with a personnel...
08.06.2004: National Social Security Institute Sofia announced most honest...
05.03.2002: Vratza District Court registered changes for Interpriborservice...

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