Short Company profile

Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad


Dimitrovgrad, 6403
Himkombinatska Str., East Industrial Zone
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 836144932
Capital (BGN): 2 654 358

Branch: Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Issuer Large taxpayers and insurers Manufacture of electricity and thermal energy Public company
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 05.12.2024 
Registered Actitity:  Production of organic and inorganic chemical products - ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate (saltpeter), sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, ammonium bicarbonate, sulphur in powder, laughing gas, formalin, carbamide glue, phentaerytrite, urotropine, glass-intensified polyamide, alkaline polyamide, liquid sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide;


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20.12.2024: Neochim AD (NEOH) Notification under Art. 114a (9) in...
17.12.2024: Neochim AD (NEOH) Neochim AD informs that on 16 December 2024,...
11.12.2024: The deals for the distribution of fertilizer plant products from...
09.12.2024: Neochim AD (NEOH) Neochim AD publishes a notification pursuant...
03.12.2024: At a meeting of the Committee on Indices at the BSE AD under...
29.11.2024: Neochim AD (NEOH) Neochim AD presented quarterly consolidated...
27.11.2024: At the upcoming General Meeting of the company for the...
27.11.2024: Neohim AD (NEOH) Neochim AD presented an updated invitation and...
27.11.2024: Neohim AD (NEOH) Neochim AD presented an updated invitation and...
08.11.2024: The chemical giant "Agropolychem" intends to indirectly acquire...

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[2024: 1 820, ... ]