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BIC bulletin
About us
Short Company profile
Greenline Chemicals
Branch: Wholesale of chemical products Registered Actitity: Real estate transactions in the country and abroad, purchase and sale, rent, repair activities of real estate, construction in the country and abroad, commission activity, sale and rental of yachts, domestic interior design, transport activity in the country and abroad, production , purchase, processing, storage and sale of food and industrial goods and household items, catering, restaurant and hotel business, commercial representation and agency of bulgarian and foreign individuals and legal entities in the country and abroad, tourist activity - tour operator and travel agency, domestic and foreign trade activity - import or export of goods, as well as any other activity not prohibited by law 08.04.2024: The person who caused the accident, with his wife dead and two... 08.04.2024: The driver who today killed a pedestrian crossing the Tsarigrad... 08.04.2024: The second leading sector in the Burgas economy for 2020 is... Full text news for companise not presant in BIA Daily today are available for BEIS subscribers only. This company profile is visited 36 times [2025: 36, ... ] |