Short Company profile

MFG Invest


bul. Dzhavaharlal Neru 28, ATC Silver Center fl2 apt 40-46
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 207055357
Capital (BGN): 10 795 016

Branch: Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
Licences & Certificates:  Public company
General Meetings: Last - 03.07.2023 


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09.07.2024: MFG Invest AD (MFG) The regular General Meeting of Shareholders...
14.06.2024: MFG Invest AD (MFG) MFG Invest AD invested BGN 10,000 in...
04.06.2024: The BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under...
29.05.2024: MFG Invest AD (MFG) MFG Invest AD appointed a regular General...
10.05.2024: MFG Invest AD (MFG) MFG Invest AD invested 100,000 euros in the...
10.05.2024: "MFG Invest" JSC will invest 100 thousand euros in the French...
02.05.2024: MFG Invest AD (MFG) MFG Invest AD publishes the Annual Report...
29.03.2024: In relation to the requirements of Delegated Regulation (EU)...
25.03.2024: MFG Invest AD-Sofia (MFG) MFG Invest AD decided to invest EUR...
29.02.2024: MFG Invest AD-Sofia (MFG) MFG Invest AD-Sofia presented a...

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This company profile is visited 125 times
[2024: 125, ... ]