Short Company profile

Collecto Capital REIT - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
36 Alabin St., 4th floor
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 205685841
Capital (BGN): 1 500 000

Branch: Other financial intermediation n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company
General Meetings: Last - 09.05.2024 
Registered Actitity: Raising funds by issuing securities and investing the funds raised in receivables (securitization of receivables), purchase and sale of receivables.


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08.08.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) BSE received a report under Art....
04.07.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) Information document under Art....
26.06.2024: Collecto Capital REIT (CRFB) On June 25, 2024, the General...
10.06.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) Texim Bank AD, as a trustee of the...
16.05.2024: Collecto Capital REIT (CRFB) BSE AD has received a report under...
10.05.2024: Collecto capital REIT (CRF) The following decisions were taken...
17.04.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) The General Meeting of Bondholders...
17.04.2024: Collecto Capital REIT (CRFB) BSE AD has received an information...
10.04.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) Notification by the company of the...
08.04.2024: Collecto Capital SPV (CRFB) In view of a forthcoming interest...

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[2024: 303, ... ]