Short Company profile

Geologiya i Geotehnika 1 LTD - Yambol


Yambol, 8600
ul. Yambolen 13
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 128628154
Capital (BGN): 224 100

Branch: Test drilling and boring
Registered Actitity: Geotechnical, geophysical and geological surveys, projects, consultations and expertise, seismic assessments, design, construction, entrepreneurship, engineering, trade activities in the country and abroad, transport, bottling of mineral and table waters, extraction of inert materials, mining of mineral resources, groundwater, coal, production, buying and selling and agricultural production, production of geothermal energy, production and realization of measuring and control equipment, sp dictionaries, translations, services, hospitality and restaurant, coffee-aperitif, fun and electronic games without xazart, ecological and concession assessments, sociological research and analyzes, publishing and advertising activities, production and realization of software products, intermediary and representative activity, - sale of real estate, tourism, purchase and sale of secondary raw materials.

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This company profile is visited 402 times
[2024: 85, ... ]