Short Company profile

Diagnostichno-konsultativen tsentar Sveti Ivan Rilski-Asparuhovo-Varna SPLTD - Varna


Varna, 9003
ul Narodni buditeli 5
phone: 052/370570, 370567, 370562
fax: 052/ 370-561

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 103517178
VAT No: BG103517178
Reg No: 760/2000
No of employees: 30 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): -20 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 879 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 302 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 243 000

Branch: Medical practice activities
Registered Actitity: Specialized clinical aid

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