Short Company profile

GP Reinsurance SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1504
bul. Knyaz Al. Dondukov 68
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200270243
Capital (BGN): 53 400 000

Branch: Non-life insurance
Licences & Certificates:  Insurer Large taxpayers and insurers
Registered Actitity: Reinsurance in general insurance. reinsurance company made the following insurance classes: accidents (including industrial accidents and occupational diseases): fixed amount of money, benefits, combinations of these two benefits to passengers; disease: fixed amount of money, benefits, combinations of the above two, land vehicles (without rail mounted vehicles), rail mounted vehicles, aircraft, vessels (sea, river and lakes and channels); goods during transport (including goods, luggage, etc..) fires and natural disasters, other damages property, liability relating to the possession and use of motor vehicle: any liability for damages arising from the use of road vehicles, liability of the carrier by motor vehicle on land, civil liability related to the possession and use of aircraft: any responsibility for damages arising from the use of aircraft, civil liability pravozvacha of aircraft, liability relating to the possession and use of vessels: any responsibility for damages arising from the use of vessels, liability to the carrier craft, general liability; credits: total insolvency, credit, deferred payment sales, mortgages, agricultural loans, guarantees: direct, indirect, miscellaneous financial loss: risks related to employment, total income of failure, bad weather, loss of income, total current expenditure unforeseen trading expenses, loss of market value or loss of rental income, indirect trading losses other than those mentioned above, other financial losses (non-) financial losses, legal expenses (legal protection, travel assistance (assistance).

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[2024: 190, ... ]