Short Company profile

Elana grocredit JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
Str. Kuzman Shapkarev 4
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 175308436
Capital (BGN): 46 692 133

Branch: Business and management consultancy activities
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company
General Meetings: Last - 02.04.2024 
Registered Actitity: financial leasing, lending funds not raised through public attraction of deposits or other repayable funds.


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03.12.2024: At a meeting of the Committee on Indices at the BSE AD under...
02.12.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) BSE received a report under Art....
30.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) Interim report on compliance with...
29.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EAC) Elana Agrocredit AD presented a...
17.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) The BSE has received information...
11.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) The company informed BSE of the...
08.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) In view of a forthcoming interest...
08.10.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) In view of a forthcoming partial...
25.09.2024: BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under...
26.08.2024: Elana Agrocredit AD (EACB) BSE received a report under Art....

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