Short Company profile

Energostroy JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1202
100 Budapesht str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 106006406
Capital (BGN): 50 750

Branch: Other construction work involving special trades
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 08.09.2016 
Registered Actitity: Research, design, repair, reconstruction, modernization and exploitation of energy objects in the country and abroad, trade with copper and aluminum rolled wire, distribution and metrical transformers, telecommunication means, as well as any other legal activity.

03.02.2010: Energostroy JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
27.10.2009: Privatization Agency pursuant to Article 32, paragraph 1, item 4...
04.06.2009: BSE-Sofia has received an Order from the Privatisation Agency...
17.03.2009: BSE-Sofia has received an Order from the Privatisation Agency...
25.02.2009: The company is registered on the 20th centralised public...
21.05.2001: Energoinvest Holding JSC - Sofia transferred shares from the...
21.05.2001: Transenergoremont JSC - Sofia transferred shares from the...
21.05.2001: Industrialconsult JSC - Sofia acquired shares from the capital...

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