Short Company profile

Trust Logistics JSC - Gurkovo


Gurkovo, 6199
ul. Prohoda 37
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 124033636
Capital (BGN): 691 596

Branch: Freight transport by road
General Meetings: Last - 05.08.2019  Next - 07.01.2025 
Registered Actitity: Production and trade with metal, import of laminated iron.


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07.12.2010: Agency for Privatization and Post Privatization Control...
27.10.2009: Privatization Agency pursuant to Article 32, paragraph 1, item 4...
25.02.2009: The company is registered on the 20th centralised public...
05.07.2005: The Privatization Agency canceled the decisions for method of...
04.09.2003: At the General Meeting of the shareholders of Metalen ambalazh...
04.09.2003: Metalen Ambalaj JSC, General Toshevo shall not distrbute...
18.08.2003: Mr. George Bonev has gained 20 000 shares, representing 39.53...
14.08.2003: Bulmetal Ltd., Gurkovo has transferred 20 000, representing...
12.08.2003: BULMETAL Ltd. reduced its share in the capital of METALEN...
19.12.2002: The producer of boxes for fish cans Metalen ambalaj - General...

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