Short Company profile

Sugar Bio JSC - Rousse [Procedure of insolvency]


Rousse, 7003
26 Tutrakan Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 117075873
Capital (BGN): 371 482

Branch: Manufacture of sugar
Licences & Certificates:  Food Manufacturer Large taxpayers and insurers
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2018 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture of sugar, molasses and other products of the food-processing industry, commercial activity in the country and abroad.


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05.06.2009: Sugar-Bio JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general meeting on...
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25.05.2006: A new fight between sugar plants is expected today when the...
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24.03.2006: The factory prices of the sugar will be decreased to BGN 1,31...
20.01.2006: Two contradicting orders of Bulgarian agriculture minister Nihat...
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