Short Company profile

Dunavski briag JSC - Lom


Lom, 3600
8 Ludoviko Milanezi Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 111010986
Capital (BGN): 193 568

Branch: Letting of own property
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 17.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Purchase, production, trade, import, export of fresh fruit and vegetables, vegtables, fruit and meat cans, flowers.

22.04.2010: Dunavski briag JSC - Lom has appointed Annual general meeting on...
18.05.2009: Dunavski briag JSC - Lom has appointed Annual general meeting on...
17.03.2009: Dunavski briag JSC - Lom has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
28.02.2005: BSE Sofia JSC would like to announce all its members that as...
17.10.1996: Polimeri JSC will not be admitted to the first auction...

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