Short Company profile

Toplivo JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
2 Solunska Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831924394
Capital (BGN): 5 416 829

Branch: Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
Licences & Certificates:  Central depository member Issuer Large taxpayers and insurers Public company Registered grain trader
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 24.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Trade with gas, liquid fuels, domestic and foreign trade with construction materials, engineering, transport and shipping, trade representation in the country and abroad


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26.04.2024: Toplivo AD-Sofia (TOPL) Toplivo AD-Sofia presented a quarterly...
08.04.2024: Toplivo AD-Sofia (TOPL) Notification under Art. 114a (9) of the...
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02.02.2024: Toplivo AD-Sofia (TOPL) Notification of a signed Annex to a...
02.02.2024: Falling fuel prices shrink revenue and increase Toplivo's...

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[2024: 983, ... ]