Short Company profile

Traktsia JSC - Samuil


Samuil, 7253
1a Dimiter Blagoev Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 116052117
Capital (BGN): 300 000

Branch: Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling-stock
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
General Meetings: Last - 15.05.2024 
Registered Actitity: Production and repair of railway equipment and other transport facilities, production, renovation and trade with spare parts and materials, production and sale of oxygen, planning and engineering, training.

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22.04.2010: Traction JSC - Samuil has appointed Annual general meeting on...
23.11.2009: Traction JSC - Samuil has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
03.09.2009: Tracction JSC - Samuil has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
28.05.2009: Trakcia JSC - Samuil has appointed Annual general meeting on...
08.12.2005: Bulgaria's first private train set off from the railway station...
14.04.2005: Bulgaria's Ministry of Transport granted Bulgarian Railway...
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[2024: 354, ... ]