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BIC bulletin
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Short Company profile
Bostik Bulgaria SPLTD - Rousse
Branch: Wholesale of chemical products Registered Actitity: Trade in industrial, agricultural and xranitelni goods at home and abroad, trade ximicheski products and supplies ximicheskata industry, trade in works of art, trade in goods on consignment, import and export, transport in the country and abroad, tourism, barter, representation and mediation, advertising, consulting, commission activities. 30.05.2006: Rousse Municipality Authorities organized an open auction for... 24.11.2005: The National Social Security Institute's Top 50 of the most... 09.05.2005: The National Social Security Institute announced the top 50 most... 08.11.2004: National Social Security Institute announced the top 50 of the... 08.06.2004: National Social Security Institute announced the 20 most honest... Full text news for companise not presant in BIA Daily today are available for BEIS subscribers only. This company profile is visited 148 times [2025: 45, 2024: 10, ... ] |